Seeding mixtures and blends

Seed mixtures contain 2 or more species, for example Kentucky bluegrass (KBG) and perennial ryegrass (PRG).

Although Kentucky bluegrass fields make up the best quality sports fields most have been seeded as a Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass mix, usually an 80:20 mix. Perennial ryegrass should not make up more than 20% of the mix in a new seeding because it is not as wear tolerant or winter hardy as KBG and because over time the PRG could become the dominant species.

Seed blends contain 2 or more varieties of the same species. A dense turf stand can be achieved by blending improved varieties. Use a couple of the highest quality varieties that contain the desired characteristics (wear tolerance, recuperative potential, resistance to stress, establishment speed, color, etc.) desired for your situation.

Sample seed label

sample seed label